22nd Feb 2021, 9:00 AM
That was when I was hit by a MAJOR case of Writer's Block!
I've been lucky enough, up to this point, to have not been afflicted with this frustrating condition very much, so at first I had a moment of panic. I knew that I was on a time limit - I wanted to maintain my posting schedule, and every day that I wasn't drawing put that in jeopardy. There was only one thing for it, of course - the only way out was through, as they say, and I had to just keep trying to come up with something.
In real life, due to a couple of weeks of bad weather, my wife and I couldn't go on our usual daily walk - our only exercise, and really our only regular excursion from home since most businesses are closed due to COVID-19.
Days passed, and became a week, without an idea. Now I was really panicking. What if this was it? Maybe "the muse" had left me. Sure, I still had the bones of the plot worked out, but if I couldn't come up with the connective tissue to flesh the story out, I couldn't continue. "STEAMROLLER MAN FACES A META-TEXTUAL THREAT FROM BEYOND HIS UNIVERSE!"
The rain stopped, and I was finally able to get some fresh air and exercise again. That night, I woke up with the idea for this page.
I'm not usually one to dispense advice, but if you're suffering from Writer's Block I thoroughly recommend going for a walk!
I'm sure any reader who is a fan of superhero comic books would have gotten the joke immediately. For anyone not familiar, this is my homage to the classic "Spider-Man No More!" cover by the inimitable John Romita Sr. The image in the third panel is a combination of the cover image to Amazing Spider-Man issue 50 and the story panel from within the issue. I knew I wanted Steamroller Man facing the reader (his back is not very interesting) but I also wanted the classic composition with the trashcan in the foreground, so I decided to combine the references.
The original has been copied and referenced by countless other comic artists, and even by Sam Raimi in the movie Spider-Man 2. Standard etiquette is to be open about the practice, hence the "After Romita Sr." grafitti I added to the wall.
I hope you like it!