Issue One, Page Thirty-Eight

And... there you have it! The cliffhanger ending to Issue Two!

I'm relatively new to Comic Fury, and webcomicking in general, and I wanted to thank all of you who have subscribed, left comments and compliments, and shared the comic with friends and family. I'm SO encouraged by every page view, every comment, and every subscriber. Sincerely, thank you!

So, some information on what's next for this comic. As those of you who have been reading my comments on each page already know, this whole process has been an education for me. Rather than letting the speed at which I could complete a page dictate my posting schedule, I just arbitrarily decided at the beginning, "Yep, a page a week sounds good!" ...This was a mistake...

Without boring you with the history and reasons, I will simply say that going forward I've decided to move to a bi-weekly posting schedule - one page every two weeks. I usually work on my comic for an hour every day, and on average I seem to take about 10 hours to complete a page, so this new schedule seems to potentially be a better fit with my drawing pace.

Another lesson I learned was that I should have at least plotted out the entire issue before I started drawing pages!!
So I plan to do exactly that with the next issue.

This leads me to my next announcement - I'm taking a month-long hiatus before posting first page of the next chapter/issue in the hopes of accomplishing two goals: (a)getting the entire plot nailed down, page by page, which will hopefully help accomplish the goal of (b)drawing the pages a little faster which will help to build a buffer of completed pages.

That's the plan, anyhow. I sincerely hope all of you who have subscribed will stick around to find out how this story ends - I promise you it will be fun!!

In the meantime, you can follow the Steamroller Man Facebook page or my Instagram where I will be posting work-in-progress stuff and possibly some non-Steamroller Man art (I have to keep drawing something while I write, so I don't get rusty)!

Keep Rolling!

Matt Schofield

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