Issue Two, Page Eighteen

I'm very happy with this page. The week I started to draw it, I saw a tweet by comic artist Phil Hester about some advice he got on his art. Ice hockey?!! Hmmm... I didn't look at any photos of ice hockey players, but I started to think differently about my drawing, and as a result, I redrew the poses of both figures to get much more of a sense of motion into the drawing. Originally I had both of them just standing in upright, heroic poses, chests out, hands on hips - very static and stiff. The wonderful thing about being an artist is that, hopefully, you are always learning how to improve. The flipside of that is going through bouts of self-doubt, thinking your own work is not very good. Boy oh boy, did I go through some MAJOR art doldrums after completing this page! I guess that all any of us can do is keep working at it!

This will be the last update before the New Year!! 2020 has been a hard year for so many of us. I want to sincerely thank you all for reading the comic and following me on social media this year. I really, truly appreciate it, and I hope Steamroller Man has given you some laughs, or at least a smile, to distract from the trials of everyday life this year.

Here's to a better 2021 for us all!

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