Issue One, Page Thirty-Five

This page was a bit of an experiment.

It's supposed to read as though time has slowed right down, to try and create a bit of suspense. Everything is literally "up in the air". I thought a nine-panel grid would work well for this. As each panel is the same size on the page, it creates an even reading rhythm. Tick, tick, tick. Foregoing dialogue also helps the feeling that time has slowed.

No dialogue meant I could arrange the images in any order I wanted, and I tried a few different arrangements of where each image would be placed in the grid. In the end, I decided that the three panels showing the progression of the licorice whip unraveling and the canister succumbing to gravity worked best as a column that can also be read downwards - as though the canister is falling down the page.

That's the theory, anyway. You can let me know in the comments if you think it worked!

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