17th May 2021, 9:00 AM
Once Paige is stable again, on the ground, we return to the grid. I wanted to experiment with tall vertically-oriented panels here, as I do tend to do a lot of “widescreen” panel orientation. I was thinking about Frank Miller’s work on Marvel Comics’ Daredevil, and how he would often use tall vertical panels to great effect.
I thought this would be an interesting challenge, and would be a nice fit for the sound effect business I was attempting to pull off. This is a persistent challenge (and part of the fun) of making comics: depicting sound in a silent visual medium. Here, I am trying to depict an echo that gradually fades into silence. I got less confident in my ability to pull this off as the page came closer to completion, but it became one of those “past the point of no return” things - too late to redo the whole thing. Hopefully it worked.
One final thought: I went back and forth on whether to have Paige's punchline in a thought balloon or a standard speech balloon. The story logic suggested that since she is still ostensibly trying to stay quiet and undetected, she would not speak out loud (despite having caused a huge noise)... but for whatever reason, the thought balloon didn't seem as funny to me as just having her say it "aloud". Logic rarely makes anything funnier.
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