Issue Two, Page Seventeen

This page went relatively quickly and easily - apart from that gun in the first panel!

I drew it with the aid of reference, but even then, guns are still a pain to draw! This is the first time a gun has appeared in this comic, and I have realized I do not enjoy drawing them! I think comic artists like Jack Kirby and Rob Liefeld had the right idea, by giving characters "fantasy" guns, not based on anything in reality. The reader still gets the idea that it's a gun, but the artist doesn't have to obsess over getting every detail right.

Lesson learned! You probably won't be seeing too many more instances of muggers in this comic. Superheroes and supervillains don't need 'em anyway!

One last note about the overlapping word balloons in panels two and three - this is intentional, and is supposed to represent one character interrupting another - I've used it once before in the comic. I've seen it done in comics many times and I've always thought it was a uniquely "comics" way of depicting one person literally talking over another. I wouldn't have felt the need to explain this, ordinarily, but someone on Facebook thought it was an error. It's not!

I hope everyone has a happy holiday season! Stay safe!

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